Brian Willis: concrete steps every police trainer can make today and the best books and podcast voor first responder trainers!

In part 1 of this interview about police and first responder training I ask Brian the following 3 questions: From which three episodes of your own podcast have you learned the most in the past three years? What three concrete steps can the current and next generation of police trainers take today to provide better training than they already do? If you had to name a book or podcast or video that all police trainers should read/listen to/watch tomorrow: which would it be? In his answers there were so many small but powerful insights. Like the ‘smallest change, biggest difference principle’ or ‘Burnout is organizational, stress is operational’. Watch the video here:


From which three episodes of your own podcast have you learned the most in the past three years?
Human error
– You can blame or learn but not do both
Role of trainers and supervisors in preventing burnout
– Burnout is organizational, stress is operational The Netherlands model of police trainers education

What three concrete steps can the current and next generation of police trainers take today to provide better training than they already do?
Read more, explore more…with an open mind and strong filter
Look for people who have implemented these strategies
Smallest change, biggest difference principle
The state of Oregon
How to look around corners (Tim Ferris principle)
Do trainers have influence

If you had to name a book or podcast or video that all police trainers should read/listen to/watch tomorrow: which would it be?
Made to stick
– Teach to the test model
Do hard things by Steve Magness
– The fallacy of police bootcamp training and the real job of police trainers

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Excellence in Training Academy from Winning Mind Training – Where trainers come to grow.

Winning Mind Training

EP 14 ‘Engineering Resilience into Split-Second Shoot / No Shoot Decisions” Dr Paul Taylor