Three actions every police/first responder trainer can do immediately to provide even better training

Which three concrete steps can current and next generation of police / first responder trainers take today to provide better training than they already do? In my interview with Brian Willis he spoke about three concrete steps that current and next generation of police trainers can take today to provide even better training than they already do.

Listen to this fragment of or three part series where Brian gives us trainers very actionable steps to do an even better job than we already do. This is not to say that we as trainers are doing a bad job. On the contrary as we as trainers always do our best to provide good training. But how great is it to have some concrete steps to become even better even under the constraints where training is not always given its needed time? So follow Brian his advice today. Make a small step. And remember ‘If you don’t take the time for that now, when will you do?


What three concrete steps can the current and next generation of police trainers can take today to provide better training than they already do?

Read more, explore more…with an open mind and strong filter

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