Shooter ready? Integrating mental skills training in an advanced sniper course

What are mental skills and which mental skills are useful for snipers? How do you deliver mental skills in an advanced sniper training course? Why is it better to offer options than solutions? Is there an ideal breathing technique when you are alone in the mud or sand, have to make big decisions yourself and are outnumbered and ‘unwelcome’? I speak about this with Christian Ytterbol. An experienced Norwegian soldier with many deployments in specialized units (NATO ISTAR) who is now writing his PhD on performance psychology in the military context. Thank you for your service on and off the battlefield.

Intro paper: Shooter ready? Integrating mental skills training in an advanced sniper course

Who is Christian Ytterbol

Becoming a (PhD) student

Studying performance psychology

Characteristic of sniper work (whe are not the best shooters, but …..)

The essence of sniper work (expand time horizon)

Difference between sniper and SWAT occupation

ABC model of analysis

Motor skills are important but not enough

The fallacy of generalizing training content from context to another context

Understanding training needs (exploratory case study methodology)

The sniper course study

How do you present and implement mental skills in an elite performance group?

Expertise versus competence equiped

Experiential learning approach and self-efficacy

The need for exposure

Recap part one

Options versus solutions

How do you teach adaptive behavior?

Cognitive control under pressure

How do you prepare for extreme scenarios?

What are mental skills?

Organic versus skill based mental skills

Mental skills are very individual

The 5 mental skills used in the sniper study

Being pragmatic (because it has to work in the dirt and it is different for different people)

Providing options, not solutions

Specific breathing techniques for snipers

Gettting control versus knowing the protocol

What is good breathing for shooting?

Becoming aware of the mental skills versus knowing protocols

What is self talk and how to teach this?

How to implement mental skills training in already busy training programs

Online and offline training

Relaxation training made practical

Recap part 2



Ytterbøl C, Collins D and MacPherson A (2023) Shooter ready? Integrating mental skills training in an advanced sniper course. Front. Psychol. 14:1198986. doi: 10.3389/fpsyg.2023.1198986

Ytterbøl C, Collins D and MacPherson A (2022) Sharpening the tip of the spear: Tailoring performance psychology for Special Operation Forces.
Front. Psychol. 13:1068896. doi: 10.3389/fpsyg.2022.1068896