Podcast with Brian Willis:  Lessons From Conducting Simulation Training for the Emergency Medicine Community

What can police trainers learn from scenario and simulation training within acute care? Together with Brian, I explore my introduction to this new world and what we can learn from it. With big thanks to all those professionals who introduced me to their world and training/education methods: Ruben Verlangen, Martijn Forr, Peter Bennik, Maarten Leeflang, METS training center and many others. Together as frontline “warriors” we get further than alone. And besides: what is more fun, educational and effective than sharing knowledge and experiences!

Topics in the video


How martial arts can save a life

The value of martial arts

How we change as instructors and what does this mean for the training we deliver?

My introduction into the emergency medicine world

Designing performance under pressure programs

Adapting to another culture as a trainer

Tool: implementation intention

5 tools and insights I learned in emergency medicine

Non techniqual skills

Crew recourse management framework

Using existing frameworks

15 key principles of CRM and simulation training

Tool: closed loop communication

Hinting and hoping

Tool: 10 seconds for 10 minutes

Scenario Simulation Design according to EUSIM

Tool: Familiarization in Sim training

Tool: Starting points in Sim training

Tool: education of attention and sense making

Tool: using a structured debriefing method in Sim training (DAA structure)

Tool: designing transfer and the 12 levers of transfer

Performance versus learning

Tool: transfer time out