Dr. Arne Nieuwenhuys about police performance under pressure.

Dr. Arne Nieuwenhuys is Senior Lecturer in Sport, Exercise and Performance Psychology. He obtained his PhD from VU University Amsterdam. His dissertation in 2012 was titled `Effects of anxiety on police officers’ shooting behavior under pressure`. After that Arne published a lot of research about optimal performance. One of the most interesting topics of our conversation is about ‘Response Inhibition and training Response Inhibition’.


Police Performance Under Pressure: Understanding the challenges faced by police officers in high-stress situations.

Lack of adequate training time affecting performance.

Misunderstandings in Police Training: Emotions and Stress in Training: Discussion on stress, emotion, and their impact on decision-making.

Importance of clarifying terms like stress, emotion, and their effects on training and performance.

Ecological Dynamics and Motor Learning The relationship between anxiety, perception, decision-making, and motor behavior.

Multi-level model explaining how anxiety affects cognitive and physical performance.

Behavioral Responses to Anxiety Strategies for Managing Anxiety in Training

Techniques for regulating emotional responses under pressure.

The role of training in developing adaptive responses to stressful situations.

Goal-Directed vs. Stimulus-Driven Behavior

Motor Behavior and Skilled Movement

Impact of Emotions on Decision-Making: Challenges in Stressful Professions Response

Inhibition Training

Response Inhibition

Impact of Sleep on Performance

Strategies for Sleep Optimization

Role of Power Naps

Mental Fatigue