Dan Fraser: Kickass Presentations and Powerful Teaching in Law Enforcement!

“We need to have people’s attention before we can have retention.” And what can law enforcement trainers learn from standup comedians? Welcome to my conversation with police training expert and presentation maven Dan Fraser. We talk about the importance of engaging openings in presentations and training for training that Clicks, Humor that’s Quick, and Messages That Stick. Teaching is more than the content itself. You, as a trainer, are the presentation. But it is not about you! It is about your trainees’ and audience’s needs.

Topic List
Introduction to Dan Fraser and his book “Kickass Presentations: Wow Audiences with PowerPoint Slides That Click, Humor that’s Quick, and Messages That Stick 
Importance of engaging openings in presentations and podcasts
Dan Fraser’s background and career with Calgary Police Service
Development and impact of “Kickass Presentations” workshop and book
The significance of instructor development and training methodologies
Comparison of police training approaches in North America and Europe
Importance of presentation skills for law enforcement trainers
Strategies for effective presentation delivery
Recommendations for improving PowerPoint presentations
The role of visual aids and demonstrations in teaching
Observational learning and its impact on motor skills training

Take aways from the Podcast
Engaging Openings: Starting a presentation or podcast with something important to the audience is crucial for engagement.

Instructor Development: Effective instructor development is key to better training outcomes and involves much more than just reading off slides.

Presentation Skills: The ability to deliver engaging and memorable presentations is essential for law enforcement trainers due to the critical nature of their work.

Use of Visuals: Using fewer words and more pictures in presentations helps in better retention and engagement.

Continuous Improvement: Both training methods and personal presentation skills need continuous improvement and adaptation to be effective.

Fraser discusses the concept of transfer tests in training. He explains that instead of just testing skills or knowledge at the end of a training session, it is crucial to bring students back after a certain period (like six weeks or four months) to see if they can still perform the skills or apply the knowledge in a practical setting.

Fraser mentions the book “Powerful Teaching” by Patrice Bane and Dr. Pooja Agarwal, which offers strategies to improve retention from pre-K to adult education. He highlights the importance of robust teaching methods to ensure that students retain what they learn​.

Fraser underlines the necessity of engaging students to maintain their attention. He suggests that effective instructors need to ask thought-provoking questions and create an interactive learning environment to keep students attentive and invested in the material.

“Pose, Pause, Ounce, Bounce” is a teaching strategy mentioned by Fraser in his discussion on effective presentation techniques.

Fraser talks about the cautious use of humor in professional training settings. While humor can engage students, he advises being mindful of the content to avoid offending anyone. Humor should be appropriate and contribute to the learning objectives without crossing professional boundaries​​.

Fraser refers to the study by John and Don O’Neal, which examines the retention of physical skills in law enforcement training. The study found that simple physical skills degraded after six weeks, and complex skills degraded after just two weeks. This finding underscores the need for continuous practice and reinforcement in training programs.